
Officinae Bio offers a collection of tools for building ready-to-use, sequence-perfect custom constructs. From simple expression plasmids to complex AAVs, Officinae Bio's toolbox provides you with the fastest path from design to synthesis.
Linear DNA

Linear DNA

Receive your sequence-verified linear dsDNA in as few as 16 business days. We provide up to 7.5kbp of lyophilized DNA for the most demanding applications, such as IVT mRNA production, TAR genome engineering, and AAV and T-DNA payload.

up to 7.5 kbp
Full-length custom constructs

Full-length custom constructs

Build more, test more and make faster breakthroughs with our custom plasmid assembly service. Skip straight to expression ready, multi-gene plasmids up to 50kbp of greater complexity than ever before.

up to 50 kbp
Subcloned custom DNA

Subcloned custom DNA

Save time on manual cloning with custom gene synthesis and cloning up to 10kbp. Pick from a library of application-ready, public backbones, or use your own and store your vectors with us for easy reuse.

up to 15 kbp