This slot is intended for C-term tags, such as affinity tags, solubilization tags or reporter genes. This slot is flanked by a BamHI restriction site (GGATCC) at the 5' that encodes for Gly-Ser to allow in-frame fusion protein with the upstream slot (your custom gene).
B0015 (M7JC04J)
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Current choice for
“C-terminus domain”
MoClo Basic Part: Double terminator (B0010:B0012). This is the most commonly used terminator. It seems to be reliable. However, that Part:BBa_B0014 is a better part for forward and reverse termination.
All Biomodules of the CIDAR collection were designed by the Densmore Lab at the Boston University and are provided as they are and solely for research purpose. [Iverson et al., ACS Synthetic Biology, 2015]