This slot is intended for coding sequences such enzymes or custom proteins. This slot is flanked by a Kpn2I restriction site (TCCGGA) at 5' that codifies for an upstream Ser-Gly linker and by a BamHI restriction site (GGATCC) at 3' that codifies for a downstream Gly-Ser linker. These linkers allow for the creation of an in-frame fusion protein with the coding sequences upstream (N-term) and downstream (C-term).
Double STOP codons (MJDCY28)
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Current choice for
“Your Custom gene”
The biomodule provides the double stop codon TAATAG to interrupt mRNA translation.
The ACDC collection was designed by members of the ACDC consortium supported by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Grant agreement No 824060.