T7 promoter 2
T7 promoter 2 is a variant of WT T7 promoter with reduced promoter strength. The T7 promoter has been shown to be modular, consisting of a 6 bp RNAP-binding region and a 5 bp strength determining region (Cheetham et al. 1999,Bandwar et al. 2002, Rong et al. 1998). Mutations to the strength-determining region alter promoter strength without affecting RNAP specificity (Davidson et al. 2010, Ikeda et al. 1992). Mutation of the strength-determining region from TAGGG to GAGGA results in a 13 fold reduced promoter strength compared to the wild type.
- Part ID ZN7E1W
- Name T7 promoter 2
- Alternative Name -
- Version -
- Division -
- Parent Sequence -
- Collection -
- Part Status Valid
- Public check_circle
- Certified highlight_off
- Length 23
- Source Strain Other/Unknown/Synthetic
- Suitable for
- Registry Code -
- Contains
- Created by OfficinaeBio
- Created at Jan. 5, 2017, 4:42 p.m.
- Last Edit Jan. 5, 2017, 4:42 p.m.